Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Homemade Tomato Sauce

This easy to make tomato sauce is healthy, and tasty. It is very versatile as a pasta sauce base, pizza sauce, or even as a soup base! I was motivated to make my own tomato sauce when I was horrified looking at the ingredients label on bottled pasta sauce.


Tomatoes, 1kg
onion, 1 medium
garlic, 2-3 cloves
herb mix, 2 tsp
salt, pepper and sugar to taste
tomato paste or puree (optional)

1. score a cross on the bottom of tomatoes, dunk them in boiling water for 30-50 seconds, the skin would slipt

2. peel tomatoes and chop into dice

4. in a deep saucepan, turn to medium high heat, pour in 1tsp oil, stir in chopped onion, garlic.

5. when onion is translucent, sprinkle in the herb mix, follow by chopped tomatoes, stir and cover, simmer for 30 mins in low heat.

6. salt, pepper and sugar to taste, pour in tomato paste if using.

7. liquidise with liquidiser or blend in a blender.

8. use as base in pasta sauce!

- If you can't find ripe tomatoes, use canned produce instead

- The basic sauce is perfect for babies/children, to spice it up, add in dried chili flakes or cayenne pepper powder/hot paprika.

- You can also use fresh herb like basil, rosemary, oregano etc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you want a more authentic 'Italian' flavour saute' the classic combination of onions, carrots and celery in the ration of 2:1:1 instead of just onions.