Thursday, September 13, 2007

Clay Pot Tofu Crispy Pork

Crispy Pork is my wife's favourite, especially those from Hong Kong. Whenever I go to HK, I always bring back Crispy Pork for her as a treat! This is a very easily made dish and great to go with rice.

Crispy Pork, 1/2kg, cut into big pieces
Soup Tofu, 2 pack, cut into large cubes
Ginger, 3-4 slices
Spring onion, 2 stalks, cut crosswise into 4 pieces
Garlic, 5-6 cloves
Flat leaves parsley, 1 bunch, roughly chopped
Chinese Wine, 2 tbsp
Sugar, 2 tbsp
Light soy sauce, 2 tbsp

Water, 1.5 cup
Oyster sauce, 2 tbsp
Light soy sauce, 2 tbsp
Dark soy sauce, 1 tbsp
Salt to taste
2 tsp corn starch mix in 2 tbsp water for thickening

1. Heat up 2 tbsp oil in a wok, put in garlic, fry till golden, place ginger slices and spring onion pices in the work and fry till slightly golden colored, fragrant.
3. put in crispy pork and fry for about 1 min, season with sugar, light soy sauce, and chinese wine, stir and cover, cook for another 2 mins in medium low heat.
4. Pour in sauce ingredients, except corn starch water, mix well, bring to the boil and add tofu. Cover and cook for 5 mins.
5. mix the corn starch water well, add to the boiling sauce, cook still thickened to your liking. Add parsley and cover for 1 min.
6. For specially sizzling effect, transfer to clay pot, cover and bring to a boil. Just before serving, pour 1 tsp chinese wine over the gap between the cover and the pot. Serve while sizzling.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Homemade Rosti

Rosti is my family's favourite potato dish ranked just below my signature mashed potato. The crispy crust and creamy interior works great with a dab of sour cream on the side and served with roast chicken, roasted salmon fillets, or with grilled sausages and sauerkraut(fermented cabbage).

Russet Potatoes, 1kg
salt and pepper to taste
Oil for frying

1. Peel and wash potatoes, par boil them for 8mins. put it aside to cool
2. Grate potatoes on a grater using the large holes
3. Season grated potatoes bits with salt and pepper
3. In a non-stick pan, pour generous amount of oil. Once oil is hot, pile grated potatoes on the pan, pack it down evenly and shape into nice rounds with a turner.
4. fry gently for 10mins until nicely golden brown, using the turner, slide the rosti onto a plate, cover the rosti with another plate, and turn upside down. Slide the rosti with the cooked side up into the pan again.
5. Continue to fry for 10mins until nicely golden brown.

Peanut Root Soup

This is an interesting and yummy soup. My mum first heard of it from her neighbour and many parents believe that the roots of peanut help grow taller. I honestly don't know if this is true, but my research on the web makes me want to this soup for my family.

Peanut root, according to research, is full of the anti-oxidant, Resveratrol, usually associated with red wine, which helps protects the heart and lower cholesterol, and helps prevent cancer. The finished soup is full of peanut fragrance and my daughter loves the soup.

Peanut Root, 800gm to 1kg
Lean Pork, 500gm
Soup Bone, 500gm
Water, 4L

1. Place all ingredients in a soup pot, filled with 4l of water
2. Bring to the boil for 30 mins, then boil over medium-low heat for 2 hrs.
3. salt to taste

- To wash Peanut Roots, stripe off the top leaves, only leaving those near the bottom. The leaves would give the soup a biter taste. I usually wash it in a bucket, shaking the roots in the water like whisking, to loosen the soil and dirt.
- You can use Chicken instead of pork
- To increase the sweetness of the soup, you can also add 1-2 honeyed dates or dried figs

- From ""


〔記者余雪蘭╱嘉市報導〕國立嘉義大學分子與生物化學系教授邱義源所帶領的研究團隊,研究發現花生根含有高量的抗癌成分│白藜蘆醇,此項研究報告已於日前 經美國化學會刊登於在國際農業科技領域極具權威的農業與食品化學雜誌,預料將引發世界各地花生農與生化科技界的高度興趣。


 根據醫學研究,白藜蘆醇具有抗癌、抗氧化、防止血管粥狀硬化引起的心血管疾病,近年來科學家們在紅葡萄酒、葡萄皮及葡萄籽中發現它的存在,但含量並不 高,紅葡萄酒每公升含零點零零零一至零點零一五公克,而在邱義源等人的研究中,發現不同品種的花生其秋作花生根平均含白藜蘆醇每一公斤含量從零點零三到零 點九一公克不等。

- From ""

The French paradox is the strange phenomenon that the French people follow a high-fat diet and smoke a lot, and still have a surprisingly low level of heart disease, one of the lowest rates of heart disease in Europe.

Red wine , according to research, is at work here.

Red wine, which is consumed regularly in the French diet, is rich in antioxidants and has a high content of resveratrol, a plant compound, and other polyphenols, phytonutrients considered to stop the furring of arteries.

Scientists have found agents that combat both heart disease and cancer concentrating on the skin of grapes: this might explain why moderate intake of red wine seems to go with good health.

Peanuts, along with red wine and grapes, have been shown to contain resveratrol. Resveratrol acts as an antioxidant and can reduce the oxidation of bad cholesterol in the arteries.

Antioxidants like resveratrol and vitamin E, also found in peanuts, are believed to reduce the risk of cancer as well as heart disease.

An ounce of peanuts contains about the same amount of resveratrol as almost 2 pounds of grapes. So, a handful of peanuts washed down with a glass of red wine sounds like a good idea and of simple implementation.

- From ""

Peanuts Contain Resveratrol - Implicated in Reduced Risk of Heart Disease and Cancer

San Francisco, April 20, -- Peanuts are another dietary source of heart-healthy resveratrol. Dr. Tim Sanders from the USDA Agricultural Research Service in Raleigh, North Carolina presented a lecture on this and other phytochemicals at the Experimental Biology annual meeting in San Francisco.

Resveratrol, which was found in edible peanut kernels, is a naturally occurring plant compound or phytochemical that protects plants from disease. Present in red wine and grapes, one ounce of peanuts contains approximately 73 micrograms of resveratrol. In comparison, almost 6 cups (or 2 pounds) of grapes contain about the same amount of resveratrol. Red wine contains approximately 160 micrograms per fluid ounce.

While it is not yet known exactly how resveratrol functions as a healthful factor, resveratrol's presence in red wine has been previously associated with reduced cardiovascular disease and it has been credited as a factor in the "French Paradox" (despite a high fat diet, the French have a surprisingly low rate of heart disease).

Results from various research studies have shown that resveratrol may protect against atherosclerosis by preventing the oxidation (or breakdown) of the LDL cholesterol in the blood. This oxidation of LDLs starts the deposition of cholesterol in the walls of arteriesleading to heart disease. Resveratrol may also prevent platelet accumulation in the arteries. This accumulation of platelets can form a clot which can cause a heart attack or stroke by getting stuck in the artery. If this occurs, blood flow is decreased to the heart or the brain.

More recently, research conducted at the University of Illinois at Chicago using resveratrol extracted from grapes showed a reduced risk of cancer in animals by stopping the growth of damaged cells in the body. If these damaged calls were left untouched, they could grow out of control and cause cancer in the body. Resveratrol may work in a number of ways to stop this series of reactions within the body.

This finding on resveratrol in peanuts appears to support epidemiological studies from Loma Linda University, Harvard School of Public Health and University of Minnesota that show peanuts and nuts may reduce the risk of heart disease by more than half when eaten frequently in small amounts. There may be several factors in peanuts that contribute to this healthful effect. Peanuts are an excellent food source of vitamin E. They also provide approximately 2 grams of fiber per ounce, and have relatively high amounts of folic acid, thiamin, niacin, copper, manganese, phosphorous, magnesium, and zinc. They are high in plant protein and the fat content is primarily monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.

The Peanut Institute is a non-profit organization which supports nutrition research and develops educational programs that encourage healthful lifestyles.

Ginger Milk Custard

This is my favourite Cantonese dessert, the name literally means Ginger Milk Crush. You need full fat milk and freshly extracted ginger juice to appreciate the fragrance of ginger and the creaminess of the milk.

Full cream milk, 200ml
Ginger juice, 1.5 tsp
Sugar, 1.5 tsp

1. Gently heat up milk in low heat, add sugar to tastes
2. Bring the milk to gentle simmer, but not boiling. Take the milk off the heat and cool a little
3. In a bowl, spoon in ginger juice, and pour hot milk into the bowl,
4. Let the bowl stand for 3-5 mins till the milk set into tau huay firmness.