Mustard Green (choose those without a lot of leaves, you can even just use the stems)1 big bulb
Fish balls (fresh or cooked)
Fish cakes, sliced
Ginger, 3 slices
1. Wash Mustard Green thoroughly, cut into big pieces
2. Soak fish balls and fish cake slices in water to remove some of the salt
3. In a soup pot over medium-high heat, add a little oil, add 2 ginger slices and fish balls and fish cake slices. Stir fry for about 3 mins. Remove
4. Fill soup pot with about 3L water, add mustard green chunks and remaining ginger slices, bring to a boil and simmer for 20 mins
5. Add fried fish balls and fish cake slices, simmer for 5-10 more mins
6. Scoop the mustard green and fish balls/cake out and serve as a separate dish