Hong Kong Flour, 500gm
Instant Yeast, 6gm (1 tsp)
Sugar, 1/2 cup
Corn oil, 1/4 cup
Water, 1 1/4 cup
1. Mix Instant Yeast in to Hong Kong Flour in a large bowl
2. Dissolve sugar in the water
3. Mix sugar water and corn oil into flour, knead for 10 - 15 mins until the surface of the dough is smooth and shiny.
4. roll out dough into rectangular shape, and roll the edges in to swiss roll shape
5. cut into small equal size cylindrical shapes about 20pcs depending on the size of Man Tou you want to make
6. place each piece of dough on grease-proof paper
7. Allow to raise for 35 mins, then steam at high heat for 15 mins
- Try using Soy Milk instead of water
- Try using Milk instead of water
- Try mixing Cocoa powder into flour, and drinking chocolate instead of water
- Try mixing raisins, nuts etc into the dough
- Try using the dough to wrap seasons minced pork/chicken
- Try wrapping lotus paste/red bean paste into the dough
Wow...finally huh? ;)
Tried. Still can't knead. Right wrist felt strained after making one round.
Few questions for 师父 :p
- Better to use warm water since need to dissolve sugar?
- Make a well in the flour and put yeast in the well first before adding liquid into the well on top of the yeast?
- My dough processed by the food processor didn’t stretch as well, so didn’t taste as soft and fluffy but still taste like 馒头lah. But that’s not so good for wrapping fillings with, right? Or is it ok? Just flatten and wrap, then ball up again? Hmmm...any idea whether it might work better if I process the dough in the bread maker rather than the food processor?
Btw, my last attempt was with excess unsalted Anchor butter I melted for bread making on the same day. Didn’t taste or smell buttery. :)
Oh, forgot to ask -- do I add fillings before or after the dough proofed? Freeze dough before or after proof?
Hi G,
- My kneading motion is stretch and pull at the same time with both hand. My right and is pushing the dough forward(stretching) and at the same time my left hand is pull the dough backward. Then the same hand will reverse the motion and fold the dough back in, then stretch out again
- yes you can use slightly warm water, so you have some warmth in the dough to help proofing as well
- First mix the yeast throughly with the flour, then make a well in the middle to contain the liquid
- I think since you have a bread maker, use the kneading function is properly the best way
- I wrap the meat in before proofing. Actually while you are wrapping, the dough is proofing, so it will get softer and softer and easier to stretch the dough to wrap around the meat.
- I use corn oil for my buns.
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