Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wolfberries Omelet

This is our favourite dish at home. It is simple and easy to make and has high medicinal properties.


Wolfberries 1 small handful, soaked in a little water

Eggs 3, beaten with a little salt for seasoning

Ginger slices 5, cut into thin stripes


1. Strain wolfberries soaking water into the eggs

2. Heat up a fry-pan in medium heat, dry fry wolfberries and ginger stripes.

3. When wolfberries are a little dried, pour in 2 tsp oil, stir fry wolfberries and ginger stripes lightly

4. Pour in eggs and fry into omelet

A little on Wolfberries:

"Wolfberry is the common name for the fruit of two very closely related species: Lycium barbarum (Chinese: 宁夏枸杞; Pinyin: Níngxià gǒuqǐ)"

"Renowned in Asia as one of nature's most nutritionally dense foods, wolfberries have been used in traditional Chinese medicine over recorded history, some 2,000 years (Gross et al., 2006). Their undocumented legend, however, is considerably older, as wolfberries are often linked in Chinese lore to Shen Nung (Shennong), China's legendary First Emperor, mythical father of agriculture, and herbalist who lived circa 2,800 BC.

Since the early 21st century in the United States and other such industrialized countries, there has been a rapidly growing recognition of wolfberries for their nutrient richness and antioxidant[15]. Such rapid commercial development includes wolfberry among a novel category of functional foods called "superfruits"[16][17]." qualities, with 54 new product introductions worldwide during 2006
" 【藥名】  枸杞子 
【基源】  為茄科植物之成熟果實。 
【別名】  杞子、甘杞子、甘杞 
【性味與歸經】  味甘、性平。入肝、腎經。 
【功能】  滋腎、補肝、潤肺、明目、強筋健骨、補精血、滋養、強壯。 
【主治】  頭暈目眩、腰膝酸軟、消渴、肝腎陰虧、遺精、多淚、帶下、目赤生翳、日痛、日澀、目乾。 
【現代藥理】  1.增強非特異性免疫作用:能顯著增強網狀內皮系統吞噬能力,捉高吞噬細

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